Thursday, February 16, 2006

He's my nerdork and I love him.

So last nite, I wasn't feeling good. All this crazy weather made me have sinus issues. So I'm in bed watching tv and about to fall asleep. DH crawls in after being outside doing something to the car, and puts his cold ass hands under my shirt.

So of course I try to buck him off me, because I want the cold hands gone. So what does my nerdork say..

"Was it good......You kinda went into convulsions there."

Yes....I love his sense of Humor.

And JC, no next time you can not join in.


Jennifer said...

Ohhhh, that was mean. cubes down his undies.

Kris said...

oooh. You know I do have those ice pack things that came with C's diaper bag.


Thanks Jen. :)

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely no fun.

I want to join in.

and Ice cubes. That's mean. You wouldn't do that to me, would you.

Oh wait, Yes. yes you would.

CC said...

Well I really can't say anything because I put my cold-ass feet on Gregg's exposed legs every night at bed time. Sometimes it sends him into convulsions as well.

Anonymous said...

My room is the coldest one in the house, and I have no one to cuddle. :( SOMEONE OWES ME BIG FOR THIS!!!