Friday, February 24, 2006


A meme I found on tons of other peeps blogs. Including Shan's. (and OMG YAY JC's gonna be a daddy! more on that later)

Play Along!

Current Clothing: JC's Frat shirt, and JJ's flannel pj bottoms.

Current Hair: A pony tail.

Current Mood: Energized.

Current Refreshment: Apple juice

Current Annoyance: Amanda the SIL who's still spouting off about the HO and her love for her.

Current Avoidance: Dishes.

Current Smell: Not a thing. I'm having sinus issues.

Current Thing You Ought to be Doing: Dishes, Betaing Contrition for Basi, TDS, and finding the playroom floor. Finishing Bday party plans.

Current Thing or Things on Your Wall: Caity's christmas picture. An Ultrasound photo. And my claddagh plaque.

Current IM person You're Talking to: Jen (only in email, not on AIM)

Current Jewelry: my wedding set on left hand, Sapphire ring and mom's old engagement ring on right hand. , Mother/Child pendant, and my XO bracelet.

Current Book: Reading to Caitlyn From the big Winnie the Pooh book before nap. As for myself....I don't know what I'm starting next.

Now you play along.


CC said...

Current Clothing: Black suit top with bell sleves, wide legged pants, wedge heals

Current Hair: in my face.

Current Mood: Blissful

Current Refreshment: Cheese balls and sugar-free fruit punch kool-aid

Current Annoyance: trying to figure out where to go to dinner

Current Avoidance: Housework

Current Smell: Garlic (Don't ask)

Current Thing You Ought to be Doing: Cleaning kitchen, vacuuming, straightening up clutter.

Current Thing or Things on Your Wall: Calendar from a chineese buffet.

Current IM person You're Talking to: Huma

Current Jewelry: my wedding set and James Avery cross ring on left hand, Sapphire ring and diamond ring and my grandmother's engagement ring on right hand.

Current Book: Quentin's by Maeve Bincy

Anonymous said...


Don't go spreading that shit around. It's a puppy. Not a baby.

You won't give me a baby, remember.

Oh and I want my shirts back.

Anonymous said...

JC's having a baby? Congrats to him. As for you Kris, tsk tsk. :P