Monday, February 27, 2006

Oh Honey, that's not a little pregnant!

So I get this phone call this am from JJ's cousin's wife. The cousin and wife who are "Never having kids"

Jess: I think I'm pregnant.
Me: What makes you think that.
Jess: Well I havn't had a period since November.
Me: Um. Yeah. Get a test. Either You're pregnant or something else is wrong.
Jess: I took four of them
Me: You're pregnant.
Jess: So the doctor ordered blood work this morning. He's doing a quant. What's that?
Me: They're measuring the hormone in your blood to find out how far along you are.

So she calls me back later with her results.


She's flown through her first trimester without even realizing it, all the while taking her BCP and stuff. So needless to say I spent the morning trying to calm her down.

Might I throw in that they have no insurance and just used all thier savings on buying a new house.

Oi to the Vey.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

My Hubby is strange

yes i know this is not news to most of you. But it is true.

So we're sitting at home last nite. I'm reading an ebook and IMing with Nina about crazy hubbys.

And all of sudden I get this IM from DH, who is no more than 2 feet away at his computer playing a game. So I'm like OOOOOOOOOK.

He sent me dirty pictures. DIRTY PICTURES via IM.

So first I started laughing. Then he sends the following. (his Y! id is nick'd his initials. So that's why he shows up as J.J.)

J. J: no no was looking for something
J. J: you
J. J: Yes, Please
Kris: LMAO

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Le Hoomster Rockeths..

This had me rolling. It was made in response to a bunch of adults arguing like two year olds. I will so be using the sharpie marker line Huma. Probably with the SIL.

I have absolutely nothing else to say about the content of your ridiculous post, except that you might want to put down the Sharpie marker - clearly, sniffing it results in the death of massive amounts of brain cells. *points* Ladies and Gents, I give you Exhibit A.


Ebook Addiction.

No never. Not us.

nerson1969: $#%&%%$E%@$^%* NCP!!!!
nerson1969: they have even more new releases I want
nerson1969: how dare they
nerson1969: ok, I'm only buying the 3 I need for the series I'm reading.....
nerson1969: only 3......
nerson1969: I can do this......
nerson1969: they're not going anywhere.....
nerson1969: I can buy them later....
nerson1969: I can wait......
nerson1969: damn them
nerson1969: !!!!!!!

We're perfectly rational people. As shown by the im's from this morning.

LMAO. Is there a 12 step program out there?? I think Jen needs one. Yeah just jen, not me.


Welcome to my glamorous life.

So I've been cleaning today *gasp* since the kidlet and hubby are gone.

Interesting things I've found.

There was half a bag of m&ms under the seat of Caity's nemo ride on toy.
6 cheetos in the Incrediblock
a handful of fruit snacks in the oven of the Disney Princess Kitchen

Jay hides Dr. Pepper in his filing cabinet. Correction. he hid Dr. Pepper in his filing cabinet.

The missing dust pan was in Caity's toybox.

Jay's cell phone was also in the toy box.

There is carpet in the bedroom. *I vaguely remembered it*

Aries does not like the vacuum. So guess where he went to hide from it? Caitlyn's toy oven. *g* Didn't I say masochistic kitty??

A good 30% of my laundry is JC's. How the heck did that happen??
Care to explain that one Jase?

So far today I have:

Beta'd Contrition. And while I won't tell anyone what it was about. HAHA. *Power. I hold the power! BWA HA HA* I will say that I did not butcher it. Much.

There were only ~25. RED marks... And most of them were changing ED to ING or vice versa.

Ready for Clandestine Miss B.

Done Dishes.

Sorted Laundry. One load in washer now.

Made the bed.



Shan did this first. So based on these lyric snippits. Give me the song title and/or artist.

Yes I know Huma will get most of them. And yes I am nuts. But its 2:00 a.m and I can't sleep. I had to find something to entertain myself.

  1. If I have to sacrifice...

    Oh, whatever babe, whatever baby.

  2. I've got to admit it

    You took my heart by surprise

    Don't know how you did it

    But baby, I've never felt so alive

  3. Well you can count on me to hold you till the healing is done

    And every time you fall apart you can hide here in my arms

  4. Clutching your pillow and writhing in a naked sweat

    Hoping somebody someday will do you like I did

  5. So boy, say the time and place cuz you make me wanna misbehave

  6. As my memory rests

    But never forgets what I lost

  7. It reminded me twice that I was alive

    And it reminded me that you're so worth the fight

  8. There's a light at each end of this tunnel,

    You shout 'cause you're just as far in as you'll ever be out

  9. If it's not perfect I'll perfect it till my heart explodes

  10. Wrapped in silent elegance

    Beautifully broken down

    As illusions burst

    Too late to learn from experience

    Too late to wonder how

    To finish first

  11. You live your life

    You go in shadows

    You’ll come apart and you’ll go black

  12. Everything she does is beautiful

    Everything she does is right

  13. There's so much left to learn, and no one left to fight

  14. I wish you'd unclench your fists, and unpack your suitcase

The sex Meme

Fair Warning to the Minors who visit this blog. (You probably shouldn't!)

You'd think they could come up with something better but here goes.

Also stolen from Shan..Who stole it from Here

Essentially she changed the meme from states to places. Hey works better for me too.

Not states, but places I've had sex:

1. On DH's fathers boat on the lake. Jet Ski too. Oh how I miss the jet ski.
2. On top of West Mountain
3. In a hot tub
4. On the stairs
5. In a friends living room when we were snowed in over at thier house.
6. On the pool table in the game room (I really don't recommend it)
7. On an Airplane
8. On the beach
9. Dorm Room Showers
10. In the bed of the truck at my grandparents. (they were sleeping)

Yes I have many more, but 10 is good enough.

Some of these I wouldn't recommend..*g*

Okay JEN......since you're probably the only one who'll do it. You have to post in your blog.

Actual conversation with JJ tonight.

Me: on phone with JC talking about the Nose job/no sex rule. (yes Jo, it's still funny!)
JJ: How did I end up with such a pervert for a wife?
Me: You asked her to marry you. And she said yes.
JJ: Best Damn Decision I ever made.


He's still a dead man if he starts snoring....

Onto more fun stuff

sexysaejase: Quit telling people I'm going to be a father
Me: Why? You're the one who told me it was the closest you'd ever get to having kids.
sexysaejase: Because people are calling wanting to know who I knocked up.
Me: You knocked someone up? *G*
sexysaejase: Why do I put up with you? I need male friends. I've got you for a best friend, and Shan for a roommate.
Me: Aww but you love me. And Shan's awesome.
sexysaejase: Only when you're not being annoying.
Me: Your life would be boring without me.
sexysaejase: It would.
Me: Besides, you can't forget our "torrid love affair"
sexysaejase: She was nuts, wasn't she?
Me: Fun times, Jasey Poo. Fun times.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Because we were discussing it....

My wedding/engagement set....The band slips into the one side of the engagement ring.

It is not a solitare, but three diamonds in what is called a love-cut. It's purtiful. And JJ picked it out all on his own.

Aren't we all proud?!
Dear Caitlyn,

We do not starve you. You are allowed food whenever you request it. Please refrain from hording cheetos, crackers, and other various snacks in your toy kitchen and other toys.


Your mother

Dear Jay,

I love you more than ice cream. But if you do not stop snoring, I may have to find a new bed partner.


Your tired wife.

Dear annoying psycho twit SIL,

It is a weekend. My child is gone. So no I am not going to help you work.
Just because I have in the past, does not mean I will everytime. Find someone else to manipulate. Do not call me again tonight, or there will be bloodshed.


Your sane sister in law.

Dear Jay,

Snoring in the papasan next to me as I write this post does not endear you to me.


Your unamused wife.

Dear Shan,

No way in hell am I wearing that monstrosity you call a dress. It's a bit much, don't you think?


Your latest victim Friend

Dear Jay,

Saying assinine comments is a good way to aggravate me. Whining like a two year old because you have a head cold isn't fun either.


Your annoyed wife.

Dear Dish Network Advnaced Tech Guy,

Apparantly you are stupid and have no idea what you are talking about. You will be hearing from me next week. It won't be pleasant.


This extremely aggravated retailer's assistant.

Dear Aunt *#$*,

you are in your thirties. Get over it.


Your neice.

Dear Jay,

Hacking up a lung while cuddling is not romantic. Take some medicine and go to bed. The guest bed preferably.


Your oh so caring wife.


A meme I found on tons of other peeps blogs. Including Shan's. (and OMG YAY JC's gonna be a daddy! more on that later)

Play Along!

Current Clothing: JC's Frat shirt, and JJ's flannel pj bottoms.

Current Hair: A pony tail.

Current Mood: Energized.

Current Refreshment: Apple juice

Current Annoyance: Amanda the SIL who's still spouting off about the HO and her love for her.

Current Avoidance: Dishes.

Current Smell: Not a thing. I'm having sinus issues.

Current Thing You Ought to be Doing: Dishes, Betaing Contrition for Basi, TDS, and finding the playroom floor. Finishing Bday party plans.

Current Thing or Things on Your Wall: Caity's christmas picture. An Ultrasound photo. And my claddagh plaque.

Current IM person You're Talking to: Jen (only in email, not on AIM)

Current Jewelry: my wedding set on left hand, Sapphire ring and mom's old engagement ring on right hand. , Mother/Child pendant, and my XO bracelet.

Current Book: Reading to Caitlyn From the big Winnie the Pooh book before nap. As for myself....I don't know what I'm starting next.

Now you play along.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Go ahead Butcher it.

I love getting a story in my inbox with a note that says:

Have fun butchering it.

LMAO. Am I that bad?? I mean really?

Just kidding Basi. I know what you mean. :) I'm working on it ASAP.

No sex after Nose Jobs....

So Jo had surgery on her nose. Something to do with the septum and reconstruction or something. JO, you can remind me later.

But she finally logged on to chat with us..providing this lovely dose of humor!

Oh and Jo, JJ says its the breathing! You'll be breathing to hard during sex.

BabyQ0980: I cant exercise for 6 weeks
humatheguma: why can't you exercise for 6 wks?
BabyQ0980: Cause of the surgery
BabyQ0980: They dont want you doing anything like that, I cant swim either
BabyQ0980: Can't have sex the first week
BabyQ0980: The nurse was like pointing it out to me casue my Mom was standing right there so I turned to my Mom and go 'I can't have sex'
Mommy2Caitybug: LMAO Jo
humatheguma: oh yeah? c'mere a minute
Mommy2Caitybug: did your mom laugh at that
nerson1969: *grabbing dueling pistol*
nerson1969: bring it biotch
humatheguma: oh yeah?
humatheguma: ::shakes fist::
Mommy2Caitybug: can I ask why sex would affect your nose?
nerson1969: *shakes both fists*
humatheguma: oh i think you know the answer kris ;-)
nerson1969: oh great, that made me drop mt pistol
humatheguma: <----doesn't know answer; just bull-shitting; trying to boost street cred
nerson1969: my*
BabyQ0980: I'm assumin that rough sex
BabyQ0980: would affect your face
BabyQ0980: thrasing about?
Mommy2Caitybug: ok
BabyQ0980: Can't thrash the face
Mommy2Caitybug: I guesss that works
BabyQ0980: and personally
Mommy2Caitybug: lol
BabyQ0980: Really dont want gentle sex
nerson1969: get your blood pumping
humatheguma: can you flail, jo?
Mommy2Caitybug: So Jo
humatheguma: *flails*
BabyQ0980: If your gonna have sex, have sex
Mommy2Caitybug: NO SEX
Mommy2Caitybug: lol
BabyQ0980: No quiet sex
nerson1969: lol pumping
nerson1969: tee hee hee
Mommy2Caitybug: LMAO
nerson1969: get it?
Mommy2Caitybug: oooh dirty
BabyQ0980: oh lord
BabyQ0980: I dont know if I can flail
humatheguma: i disagree
BabyQ0980: I shall check on Monday
humatheguma: perhaps we can settle this with a duel.
Mommy2Caitybug: yeah and ask them if you're allowed to have rough sex yet

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Another Rep down the drain.

nerson1969: like we listen to huma anyways
Mommy2Caitybug: lol true
Mommy2Caitybug: her other personalitys forget
Mommy2Caitybug: five minutes later
nerson1969: yeah
nerson1969: it's the curse of the multi-personalitied
Mommy2Caitybug: must be
nerson1969: they should all share a Palm
humatheguma: =-O
humatheguma: >:o
humatheguma: :-(
humatheguma: :-)
humatheguma: :-\
nerson1969: :-*
humatheguma: :-*
humatheguma: ;-)
humatheguma: :-D
Mommy2Caitybug: they should
humatheguma: :-X
nerson1969: :-P
Mommy2Caitybug: keep a notebook or something
humatheguma: i thikn i've still got acoupe personalities lying around....
humatheguma: lemme see if i can dig em up
Mommy2Caitybug: lol
humatheguma: O:-)
humatheguma: :'(
nerson1969: so they know what the others are doing
humatheguma: :-[
nerson1969: cause you'd really hate it if one made a date with a hot dude and you missed it
Mommy2Caitybug: yep
Mommy2Caitybug: or if someone got angry with a friend
Mommy2Caitybug: and you forgot it
nerson1969: and if the slut personality had sex and then got pregnant
humatheguma: =-O
Mommy2Caitybug: OMG
Mommy2Caitybug: you know
nerson1969: and the virgin personality would think it was the next IC
Mommy2Caitybug: I think Maybe Huma is my next victim
nerson1969: and people would worship her
humatheguma: yay!
Mommy2Caitybug: lol
humatheguma: i like to be worshipped
humatheguma: almost as much as i like to chew.
Mommy2Caitybug: until the DNA prooved the daddy
humatheguma: and i like to chew.
nerson1969: and then the pope would come
nerson1969: er....uh.....maybe I should of used the word arrive or visit?
Mommy2Caitybug: lmao
nerson1969: I'm sooooo going to Catholic Hell
nerson1969: no Sister Marie, not the ruler
nerson1969: *screams*
nerson1969: *sobbing the Hail Mary*
Mommy2Caitybug: lol

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Bringing up a good Ho

I'm so proud of Amanda today.

After the "LUCKY" saga as we've dubbed it.....we were a little worried she wouldn't grow up to be the Woman we knew she could be.

But....she proved us wrong today.

Our little amanda has major HO potential!

Here's the proof:
nunniebunnie87: Oh my lord.
nunniebunnie87: I think I may be flirting with a guy.
nunniebunnie87: I can't tell
nunniebunnie87: He lives on my hall, and he's a really sweet decent guy.
nunniebunnie87: He's cute
nunniebunnie87: He's got this hilarious laugh, that makes everyone laugh along with.

She also linked us to his picture--MAJOR CUTENESS FACTOR!
nunniebunnie87: So I'm just chatting with him, telling him that GA is the best show ever.
nunniebunnie87: And that he should watch it
nunniebunnie87: And then I go... you should come watch in my room.
nunniebunnie87: I always have it on.
nunniebunnie87: Hee.
nunniebunnie87: And then I invited him to the Lost party I always have in my room.

That's right Kinkies, Our lil amanda invited him to her ROOM.

5 bucks says there's cuddling.

You remember our lessons right Amanda??

Such a proud moment. *wipes tear from eye*


nerson1969: *whines* I'm tired
nerson1969: and I mean the kind of tired that has you falling asleep at the computer
nerson1969: it's like pregnant tired lol
Mommy2Caitybug: OMG
Mommy2Caitybug: Jen's Pregnant!
nerson1969: yep
nerson1969: I can only do that while pregnant

You heard it here first.

*ps. She's not really pregnant*

Saturday, February 18, 2006

I think Bridezilla is losing her mind.


My mom just called me. And she asks if I received her email with addresses in it. So I log on and check, and no emails from her since 2/5. I asked when she sent it and she goes just the other day, hang on and I'll tell you.

So she goes I sent it on the 16th, which means I didn't get it. So I ask which email did you send it to mom (I have two) and she goes I said its mom.

Oh Okay, I'll resend it now. So I'm waiting and she tells me, I just hit send. Wait a minute, there's an error. So she tries again, still an error.

So I say, read me exactly what email addy your sending too. and she goes okay emailname@sbcglobal,net. OH wait theres my problem, I used a comma instead of a dot.

Sometimes I really wonder if she needs a computer.

Crazy Sex Laws.

Yeah I was bored and got linked to them. Here's a few .

In Willowdale, Ore. it's illegal for a husband to curse or swear during lovemaking. But a wife is allowed to whisper the identical naughty words in her hubby's ear while in the act.

In Harrisburg, PA female toll collectors can't engage in sex with a truck driver in the confines of a booth.

In the state of washington, there is a law against having sex with a virgin under any circumstances (including the wedding nite)

In Hong Kong, A betrayed wife is legally permitted to kill her husband, but may do so only with her bare hands. She may kill her husband's lover, on the other hand, in any manner she desires

In Egypt, a couple can legally divorce by writing "I divorce you, I divorce you, I divorce you."

In CA, adultery is punishable by a $1000 fine and/or a year in prison. But adultery in AR is much cheaper--offeneders are fined a mere $20-$100

So who wants to move to Hong Kong!? *g*

Why are men Asshats??

Can someone answer that for me?

Because I'd really like to know. I mean REALLY.

That which doesn't kill us makes us stronger.......Right?


Well, it's sleeting and freezing and YUCK.

And my dad's flight was cancelled, so they are not here.

It sucks......but better safe, I guess.

Guess I'll just have to find something else to do around here today.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

He's my nerdork and I love him.

So last nite, I wasn't feeling good. All this crazy weather made me have sinus issues. So I'm in bed watching tv and about to fall asleep. DH crawls in after being outside doing something to the car, and puts his cold ass hands under my shirt.

So of course I try to buck him off me, because I want the cold hands gone. So what does my nerdork say..

"Was it good......You kinda went into convulsions there."

Yes....I love his sense of Humor.

And JC, no next time you can not join in.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Hey Kinkies......

humatheguma: that looks like sperm
humatheguma: yours i mean
humatheguma: o~
humatheguma: even better
humatheguma: dirty!!!

And she's the innocent one?? I think not.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

It's Valentine's Day

And mama's birthday! Happy Birthday Mom!

The DH surprised me with flowers. They smell so good. And they are so pretty.


Monday, February 13, 2006

I shall call this a lesson in Guns.

Okay so Monday's are never good work days. It's usually when the idiots call. I guess they sit around thinking up stupid things to say over the weekend?

Well Today I had one that just takes the cake.

For this recap, we shall call the customer Mr. Stupid.

Acutual Recap of phone conversation.

Mr. Stupid: I don't understand why I owe money for labor. The television is under warrantly.

Me: Mr. Stupid. The labor warranty only lasts ninety days. Your set is older than that. So while it's still under parts warranty, the labor is an out of pocket expense.

Mr. Stupid: Okay. Now I understand. So why are the screens not covered under warranty? They are parts.

Me: Mr. Stupid, While it is true that the screens are parts, The warranty does not cover the replacement of the screens due to non manufacture flaws.

Mr. Stupid: What does that mean.

Me: It means that Sony is not going to pay to replace your screens because your son shot BB's through it.

Mr. Stupid: But they'll cover the other parts.

Me: Yes. Everything but the labor and screens is able to be covered under warranty.

Mr. Stupid: Can I have Sony's number to discuss the screens with them.

So I gave him the number and turned him loose on Sony.

It's scary that there really are people out there that are this stupid. And they have guns. And kids. I'm not sure what's scarier.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

People are really strange........

It's like a slight snow storm throws them into the belief that the endof the world is upon us. Well at least that's how it is in the south.

Everyone rushes to the grocery store and/or walmart to stock up. Like bottled water, bread, milk, canned goods, tons of stuff. Like they'll never be able to leave home again.

And me, yeah, I go if I need something for the kiddo.

So the kinkies, okay only three of us, got to chatting because we're all affected by this "snow storm" and were discussing this fact.

But here are some examples of the funny ones......the carts that make you laugh and/or wonder about the owners.

sundolphin16: diapers, baby food, beer, eggs, milk, condoms, magazines, large quantities of beef. KY jelly
sundolphin16: and that was all in one cart
sundolphin16: so as long as the baby is fed and diapered and you've got beef... you can spend the rest of your time having wild monkey sex

And my personal favorite:
Grapes, Peaches, cherries, Strawberries, chocolate sauce, caramel, strawberry sauce, whipped cream (in a can), condoms, and kleenex

Okay I understand everything up to the kleenex........I think baby wipes would be a better option.

Jen agrees:
nerson1969: kleenex?
nerson1969: I'm confused on the use for that
Mommy2Caitybug: me too
nerson1969: maybe wet wipes
nerson1969: but kleenex?
sundolphin16: LMAo
sundolphin16: yeah that weirds me out

Friday, February 10, 2006

"So, do you mean funny as in once in a while you're overcome with the urge to smack me with a baseball bat but you put up with me anyways? Cause that's real love."

My new favorite quote! Hehe. It was in response to my sarcastic reply of You're Funny.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


I should be tired. I should be really sleepy after being up all nite with Caity last nite. But nope. So what am I doing?

Chatting with Jen, somewhat.

Discussing Vampires with Nina..

And Betaing Clandestine---DUDE more of the SQUEEEEEEEEEE! LALGC early this week and now Clandestine! WOOT I'm in heaven.

And listening to music on the computer. JC's special mix (Love ya!)

Amanda's thoughts:

nunniebunnie87: I feel unclean.

And we find out what happened to the abducted.

She got DRUNK. and Passed out. And her abductors emailed us this picture.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

For Future Reference

Messages like:

nunniebunnie87: Brb, I'm being abducted.

With no further explanation, lead to wild speculation. Your reputation is now tarnished Amanda.

Mommy2Caitybug: nunniebunnie87: Brb, I'm being abducted.
Mommy2Caitybug: do we worry?
nerson1969: hmmmmm
nerson1969: maybe she's being abducted by alien Jason-lookalikes?
Mommy2Caitybug: Shall we speculate on this abduction?
nerson1969: then I shall be jealous
Mommy2Caitybug: Sex crazed alphas maybe?
nerson1969: a sexy viking warrior that just came through a time warp?

Mommy2Caitybug: Why's she the lucky bitch?
Mommy2Caitybug: Where are our sex slaves?
nerson1969: lost in space?
nerson1969: ohhhhhhh, maybe a ghost of a handsome english lord took her?
nerson1969: an alien sexy warrior race that doesn't produce women?
nerson1969: an alpha were that has just proclaimed her his life mate?
Mommy2Caitybug: OMG
Mommy2Caitybug: That little slut
Mommy2Caitybug: She's been keeping news like that from us
nerson1969: wanton hussy
nerson1969: I'm soooooo jealous
nerson1969: *sobs*

Anyone else care to speculate??

Monday, February 06, 2006

I love the Hoomster

humatheguma: Why does every man have to be sacrificed at her altar ie, vagina?
(Re Spam!)


And more bits of Wisdome from the hoomster. (I love you, you hubby covetor)

humatheguma: omg amanda
humatheguma: have you heard Morning Wood?
humatheguma: have you heard Morning Wood?
nunniebunnie87: No, I haven't heard Morning Wood.
nunniebunnie87: And I haven't seen it either.
humatheguma: ewwwww
humatheguma: gross.
nunniebunnie87: HA

Do we even know what we're talking about half the time?

humatheguma: I completly forbid it
humatheguma: What do you have to be afraid of?!
Mommy2Caitybug: lol
humatheguma: ?!?!?!1?!
humatheguma: :-P
nunniebunnie87: I know that I'll write something like 'OMG YAY 4 PIE' or something like that, and someone will be like 'BITCH PIE IS FOR WEAKLINGS I EAT YOU WITH WORDS!!' and I'll cry and run away.

Making with the SQUEEEEEEEE

OMG. Today has been a Squee day!

First with Gray's Anatomy last nite, and might I say I can actually get JJ to watch it with me! *hands off Huma, he's mine*

The bomb in the body-dude quite intersting and Christina Ricci totally freaking out and Meridith replacing her and Dr. McDreamy when he finds out in the previews. And Alex and Izzie and OMG Squee. Pobre George with Bailey. And I can't wait for sunday!

And then Huma, with the LALGC reveal! OMG. The news isn't even out, and OMG I love it. Dude. Johnny with his supsicions and Riley all sullen. and Ash and Nik and OMG. AWESOME

And then Fran and Jasper (I just love saying that name!) and Liz is on the plane and Robin and Patrick and the whole world is about to implode in the middle of this fundraiser and OMG Squeeeeeeeeeee

I'll add more to that later, because right now, I'm too busy Squeeeing Huma. YOU ROCK

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Congratulations Amanda

Phi Mu!! YAY you!!

Make us proud.

Which means don't do anything the K9P2 wouldn't do. Which means, well you know what it means!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Death to Paypal and UPS.

This is enough to drive a person to drinking.

First Paypal takes $200 dollars out of our account putting a temp. hold on the transaction. Why you ask, well apparantly our buyer has some sort of fraud on his paypal, he's not shipping his items (RAZOR PHONES) so they stopped his payment to us because of that.

No big problem right, OH wait, they do this AFTER we ship the item.

So we call paypal to find out whats going on, and send our replies to their email and they write us back saying Oh you are covered under the seller's protection policy, you're funds are available again.

WRONG! There's still a hold on them and the customer now has his merchandise for FREE.

Why you ask, well Effin UPS didn't follow procedure and put into effect the DCR to return the package to us before delivery.

But UPS is sure if we call the customer, they will return the unit to us or repay. Yeah, their account is shut down because of FRAUD, but they are gonna return a 200 dollar item they got for free. What planet is UPS living on??

They also fail to see how this is their problem.

Well hello F***ers, you got the DCR on the 27th, and yet still delivered on teh 30th, that means you had three days to get our package back to us like you were supposed to do. Oh and yeah all of this shows up in tracking numb nuts---GIVE US OUR MONEY.

And now I'm on hold with Paypal again. The UPS man doesn't want to talk to me anymore.

ETA: Paypal gave me back my funds. Cuz I'm lovable that way. *shut it JC*

Oh and the UPS woman called back and gave me the customer's cell phone number, and politely informed me that they spoke to him and he said he wanted to keep it, and it was working wonderfully, well DUH. What good does it do me to call him.

I can see it now. "Hi, you screwed 5 people out of over a thousand dollars on ebay, but could you please send me back my receiver or the money for it and not screw me over? thanks. "

Uh huh that's so gonna happen.RIGHT.