Thursday, February 23, 2006

No sex after Nose Jobs....

So Jo had surgery on her nose. Something to do with the septum and reconstruction or something. JO, you can remind me later.

But she finally logged on to chat with us..providing this lovely dose of humor!

Oh and Jo, JJ says its the breathing! You'll be breathing to hard during sex.

BabyQ0980: I cant exercise for 6 weeks
humatheguma: why can't you exercise for 6 wks?
BabyQ0980: Cause of the surgery
BabyQ0980: They dont want you doing anything like that, I cant swim either
BabyQ0980: Can't have sex the first week
BabyQ0980: The nurse was like pointing it out to me casue my Mom was standing right there so I turned to my Mom and go 'I can't have sex'
Mommy2Caitybug: LMAO Jo
humatheguma: oh yeah? c'mere a minute
Mommy2Caitybug: did your mom laugh at that
nerson1969: *grabbing dueling pistol*
nerson1969: bring it biotch
humatheguma: oh yeah?
humatheguma: ::shakes fist::
Mommy2Caitybug: can I ask why sex would affect your nose?
nerson1969: *shakes both fists*
humatheguma: oh i think you know the answer kris ;-)
nerson1969: oh great, that made me drop mt pistol
humatheguma: <----doesn't know answer; just bull-shitting; trying to boost street cred
nerson1969: my*
BabyQ0980: I'm assumin that rough sex
BabyQ0980: would affect your face
BabyQ0980: thrasing about?
Mommy2Caitybug: ok
BabyQ0980: Can't thrash the face
Mommy2Caitybug: I guesss that works
BabyQ0980: and personally
Mommy2Caitybug: lol
BabyQ0980: Really dont want gentle sex
nerson1969: get your blood pumping
humatheguma: can you flail, jo?
Mommy2Caitybug: So Jo
humatheguma: *flails*
BabyQ0980: If your gonna have sex, have sex
Mommy2Caitybug: NO SEX
Mommy2Caitybug: lol
BabyQ0980: No quiet sex
nerson1969: lol pumping
nerson1969: tee hee hee
Mommy2Caitybug: LMAO
nerson1969: get it?
Mommy2Caitybug: oooh dirty
BabyQ0980: oh lord
BabyQ0980: I dont know if I can flail
humatheguma: i disagree
BabyQ0980: I shall check on Monday
humatheguma: perhaps we can settle this with a duel.
Mommy2Caitybug: yeah and ask them if you're allowed to have rough sex yet

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


That's a horrible thought