Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Death to Paypal and UPS.

This is enough to drive a person to drinking.

First Paypal takes $200 dollars out of our account putting a temp. hold on the transaction. Why you ask, well apparantly our buyer has some sort of fraud on his paypal, he's not shipping his items (RAZOR PHONES) so they stopped his payment to us because of that.

No big problem right, OH wait, they do this AFTER we ship the item.

So we call paypal to find out whats going on, and send our replies to their email and they write us back saying Oh you are covered under the seller's protection policy, you're funds are available again.

WRONG! There's still a hold on them and the customer now has his merchandise for FREE.

Why you ask, well Effin UPS didn't follow procedure and put into effect the DCR to return the package to us before delivery.

But UPS is sure if we call the customer, they will return the unit to us or repay. Yeah, their account is shut down because of FRAUD, but they are gonna return a 200 dollar item they got for free. What planet is UPS living on??

They also fail to see how this is their problem.

Well hello F***ers, you got the DCR on the 27th, and yet still delivered on teh 30th, that means you had three days to get our package back to us like you were supposed to do. Oh and yeah all of this shows up in tracking numb nuts---GIVE US OUR MONEY.

And now I'm on hold with Paypal again. The UPS man doesn't want to talk to me anymore.

ETA: Paypal gave me back my funds. Cuz I'm lovable that way. *shut it JC*

Oh and the UPS woman called back and gave me the customer's cell phone number, and politely informed me that they spoke to him and he said he wanted to keep it, and it was working wonderfully, well DUH. What good does it do me to call him.

I can see it now. "Hi, you screwed 5 people out of over a thousand dollars on ebay, but could you please send me back my receiver or the money for it and not screw me over? thanks. "

Uh huh that's so gonna happen.RIGHT.


Anonymous said...

The UPS man doesn't want to talk to me anymore.

But you are SOOOOOO Pleasant.

I shall hide the guns now.

Anonymous said...

Ey keel dem fo ya?

I know where our guns are. BWAHAHAHAHA!!

Anonymous said...

Yuck. Paypal sucks pondscum.