Saturday, July 01, 2006


As Huma says:




So Dominique's dad got her last night to pick her up. In tow with his girlfriend, her daughter and her niece.

I can handle it.


First, we are expected to give up our bed, because there are extra kids along. I don't even fucking think so.

Then there's the daughter, who can't keep her eyes or grubby paws off MY HUSBAND.

I wanted to scream at the lil whore. (she's only 17 too for cripes sake)

Throw in me getting cornered this morning by the girlfriend who wants me to answer personal family questions, that I have no fucking clue about.

Keeping Dominique was a fun month.......dealing with her exit......not so much.

Remind me again how I get roped into dealing with shit like this??

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