Saturday, July 29, 2006

So far today....

I've posted a review on 4 ho's Melani Blazer's Trophy Girl

and helped the boy finish installing the new Kitchen Cabinets. Pics coming soon.

I've also been working on the office. Trying to fit all my favorite print books on one shelf in here. I don't think its going to work.

ICKY on the unpacking.


Anonymous said...

I hear sex was requested as payment.

I want the blogger PW for my account NOW.

Don't make me play hard, Little.

Jennifer said...



Was the payment up front?

B said...

Kris get the shelves that you put on the wall, saves you space and you can put them any where. Can you blame JJ for the lack space for a bookshelf with his need for a fridge.

JC good luck with that. The woman is as stubborn as bull and pray she doesn't do something insane.

Kris said...

JC--You're the one who starte the war. And I only did a little redecorating *g*

Yeah. Did you miss that tale in chat this afternoon. I'll C/P it for you in a bit.

Basi, Hmm. That might work. Though JJ might get whiney since I am making him build me two for the living room. He thinks I have too mnay books. *sigh*

B said...

Well tell him it's his own fault and you'll put it on his bill as a payment for doing his homework. If he whines stick C on him.