Saturday, July 01, 2006

To-Do List for the weekend.

  1. Finish Reviews
  2. Editing/proofreading some things
  3. Laundry
  4. TDS, DOY, PTK (shh. Jen)
  5. B promised me something. I'm waiting Basira!
  6. amuckage fuckage
  7. JJ's homework (Priority UNO)
  8. Kinky Chat
  9. Make JJ finish walls in kitchen (Crimson is an awesome paint color, btw)
  10. Buy Liquor
  11. Buy stuff for picnic at Mom's
  12. Take ring in to Gordon's for diamond bond checkup crap
  13. Con JJ into buying new earrings
  14. Buy new body jewelry
  15. Order Books

Yep. I've got a busy weekend planned.


Jennifer said...

Those aren't in order of importance are they?

Kris said...

Uh right. No certain order. hehe.