Sunday, March 05, 2006

It's been a friggin long ass shitty week.

First the incident on monday with Jess. Then tuesday morning she lost the baby and had a D&C. Her MIL called me and my MIL I don't know how many times, and each time I wanted to throttle her just a tad more.

Then Thursday, my dad, who rarely calls, calls my cellphone at 5:30, and informs me that my grandfather has had a heart attack and I need to haul my butt to ICU. Well JJ's working the swing and the trucks not working, so I have no car. SIL (the psycho one) calls because her and jared just got a message from dad too and they wanna know what's going on.

SIL decides she's leaving work early and comes and gets me and Caitlyn, who was supposed to have a babysitter, but SIL showed up first, so off we went. We got there about 6:30 and they were not allowing visitors again until after 8:30 because of shift change. We stayed until after 10 when I had DH pick us up.

Grandfather looked something awful. He had angioplasty scheduled for friday morning, and we had to go to Little Rock, so I didn't get to stop by for long friday.

But we went saturday. He's looking better, but still not out of ICU and has two more surgeries scheduled for this week. But they had to postpone them because his heartrate jumped up.

Bad stuff always happens in threes, so I'm kinda worried what #3 will be.


Jennifer said...


I miss you, I'm going through Kris withdrawals. So that's the third thing.

*more hugs*

CC said...

I hope everything works out. I miss you too.