Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Dearest JJ, I'm leaving you for Bill and Jen......

We discussed it over email today and I think it's gonna be great.

Bill said that we'll get a King size pillowtop mattress bed set and Jen agreed to the 14 pillows. So we are well on our way.

How this came about....
From: Kris
To: Jen
What's up?

From: Jen
To: Kris
Just sitting here thinking about boobs

From: Kris
To: Jen
Ah. Fun.. I like thinking about boobs.. Hi Bill *waves*

From: Jen
To: Kris
I have too watch these silly CDR's called The Leadership Journey for work and answer the questions. BORING! So, Jens's on the couch reading, I know, its hard to believe that she's reading but I swear she is.

From: Kris
To: Jen
awww. They think your qualified for leadership?? WOW! She's reading?! OMG!? Gasp! Shock! The horrors. Lucky Wench

From: Jen
To: Kris
Yeah! They let me boss 25-30 people around, not sure why, but they do. Yup, definitely reading, looking darn sexy doing it too I might add. I just might be late for work. lol

From: Kris
To: Jen
LMAO! I'm moving to WI....*Kicks JJ*

To: Kris
Well...c'mon then

To: Jen

Tell Jen she has housemates moving in.

From: Jen
To: Kris
Ok, we'll have too get a bigger bed.

To: Jen

with pillowtop mattresses??

From: Jen
To: Kris
Sure Jen says that sounds good

From: Kris
To: Jen
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT And Jen doesn't mind this??

From: Jen
To: Kris
No, she just giggled a little that's all.

A good giggle or a bad giggle?

To: Kris
Do you mean bad as in we're going to prison bad or bad as in get out the sex toys bad?

To: Jen
Um Bad as in "I'm going to kill Kris" bad... But your second choice works too...

To: Kris
I'd never kill Kris, DH is much handier to off. LOL *winks*

This craziness brought to you by the emails of Jen, Kris, and Bill.

I am not really leaving my husband. YET


free_reverie said...


I'm coming to visit.

Cause you're going to have 3 cats.

And I love cats! :D

Plus I'll baby-sit.

Cause yay cats and kids! :)

Anonymous said...

Handier to off? DIRTY. :P

Kris said...


Huma.....there's plenty of other dirty stuff in there! :)

We're working on our request list from Bill.