Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Dirty, violent and crazy all together.

Jen and I have a new word as Jen discussed on Tempted the other day.

It's funny that Jen described the word as Dirty, violent and crazy all together.

Because that is in fact what we are when we get together (Jen, Jill &I)! We are dirty, kinda hard not to be when we're all perverted. (Who said that?!) We are violent, especially when it comes to the men in our lives, Hey they deserve it! Most of the time. And we are Crazy--after all Normal is overrated.

Right GIRLS???

P.S. I'm bored.


Jennifer said...

Yeah, we're all whacked in every meaning of the word at one time or another. It's what makes us so awesome. And lovable.

outcast jedi said...

Yup, or gonna get, and then you will be, or I guess, will have been whacked.

But first. I must find an object of adequate dimensions to do so.

Therein lies the problem, I have nothing big enough to whack with.

free_reverie said...


I understand the crazy, I'm not quite up to the dirty, and WHO THE HELL SAID I WAS VIOLENT?!

[I'll cut them.]


Anonymous said...

LOL. You're all freaks. :-P