Monday, October 16, 2006

My first official Belly blog post. *gaah*

I've been forced to do this. LOL

Here I am at 15w5d.

Total weight gain: 6lbs

*sorry for the darkness in the pics. JJ wasn't around to take one*

Next appointment 10/27.


Jennifer said...

Awwwwwww. What a cute adorable belly.

And how dare JJ not be around. Damn males, all confused on what their duties are.

RubyRed3 said...


I love seeing these again!


I am so happy for you my friend!

I love the shirt too! LOL

I am a huge believer you do not need a man around to get something done!.. You did just fine taking those pics! LOL I love men.. I really do.. just at a far! HAHA! I am such a lier.. a big ol' fat lier...

I so hope our local cop does not come here! I just dug my self a hole! HA! I am so rambling.. I am so lonely..

anyways.. I love ya Kris.. thank you for sharing and for my email!
