Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Afflictions, Randomness, and B HAS HERPES

Basira says:
i don't care
Jill says:
well i do
Basira says:
i have a damn rash!
Kris says:
My boobs hurt
Jill says:
my pussy i think smells (this was said because Kevin's dog keeps sniffing her there.)
Jennifer says:

Basira says:
i have a damn rash!
Basira says:
Jill says:
Kris says:
yeah well
Kris says:
my boobs hurt
Jill says:
Kris says:
that trumps your rash

Basira says:
my rash is spreading!
Kris says:
Is it syphilis?
Basira says:
on my arm!
Basira says:
not anywhere that you maybe thinking
Kris says:
Where's your arm been?
Kris says:
What have we told you about sending your arms up there
Basira says:
Jill says:
Kris says:
well this is how you get syphilis on the arm
Kris says:
or maybe its gonorrhea
Basira says:
its a rash!
Kris says:
Herpes is a rash
Basira says:
Kris says:
B has herpes
Jill says:
Basira says:
i do not!

Kris says:
going now
Kris says:
and B
Kris says:
I think your rash is
Kris says:
Kris says:
or syphilis
Jennifer says:
i'm not
Kris says:
keep the STD arm away
Basira says:
Basira says:
i am innocent~

Jill says:
go to a Doctor
Jill says:
get a cream
Jill says:
be new again and rashless
Kris says:
THey can treat herpes now
Basira says:
Jennifer says:
the gift that keeps on giving
Jill says:
they can?
Basira says:
i am never telling KRis things
Kris says:
Kris says:
with Valtrex
Kris says:
havn't you seen the lovely commercials
Jill says:
oh that is right
Jill says:
i have
Jennifer says:
it's treatable, just not curable
Basira says:
Jill says:
oh god
Kris says:
That's what they say on the commercial
Basira says:
Basira says:
Kris says:
okay B
Kris says:
they can treat your herpes
Basira says:
on my arm?
Kris says:
Basira says:
i have herpes on my arm?
Basira says:
i thought herpes was somewhere down there
Basira says:
not on the arm
Basira says:
and i do not have herpes!


Kate said...

MSN kicks me out of chat and this is what I miss! Damn it!

Now, I'm bitter.

You guys are just too damn funny, had I been there I probably wouldn't have been able to stop laughing long enough to say something. Haha.

Jennifer said...


That was soooo much fun. And Basira just left herself so wide open for that. LOL

RubyRed3 said...

B~ She is so damn funny! This her being a minor shit and covering up her eyes just did not protect her for this! She was so much fun last night!

Excellent and Perfect blog!