Saturday, June 24, 2006

Yay for the Kinkies

I love my kinksters. :) And I missed ya.

And I really enjoy our hilarious chats, even if they only make sense to us. Such as the following with Jen.

We are discussing My lovely drunkedness from the anniversary celebration.

My emails are in blue, Jen's replies in red.

Then we ate dinner and drank margaritas.
60 oz margaritas. Oi Vey

Now I want margaritas.

LOL, go get some

Before noon?!?!? *shocked*

Will you eat the lime with it? *nods*
Fruit is a good before noon snack.
The margarita is an accessory to the lime

I want strawberry ones. :p

Strawberries. YUM.
Strawberries are great snacks period.

Yeah. Now I want berries. LOL
Hmmm, no berries in this house. I've got frozen bananas though. And vodka not Jose.

hmm...Arn't daiquiries made with vodka?

Yes they are. LOL

Later Kris gets blank email. Responds..

there's nothing there dollink.

To which Jen replies...

Well, that's just crazy. And I can't remember what I said. I'm sure it was witty and wonderful though.

Well of course it was. :) And this goes to prove

That we are either bitching, plotting, talking about sex, or talking about drinking. Never know what's going to come in convo, do we Jen?

Was there a point to blogging this? Nope not really. Unless you count that Kris can come up with an excuse to drink at any time. But Jen and I will get a kick outta it.

Upon other news. I think I've simplified my responses to VI....How do these look?

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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and finally
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

We need excuses to drink?

Well, marriage always works.

And kids.