Saturday, June 24, 2006

Ebil me

So while JJ was gone for a work meeting thing.

I was very mean (Thanks Maura!) and sent him little emails, including excerpts and other lovely presents.

Apparantly he did not really appreciate my tokens of affection.

A portion of his last email response can be found below....

I don't even want to know how you managed to take those pictures. Just remember that Payback is a bitch.

Sleep well. While you can.


Jennifer said...


Sounds like something I would do, and Bill would appreciate. ;)

Kris said...

Oh Jen. I had a blast. :)

Maura Anderson said...

OOOOOH - I love it!

I want to hear about the payback too!


Anonymous said...


Yay for Maura giving out nasty ideas!!


I'm dying to know what happened!