Sunday, October 22, 2006

The "Universe is against Kris" Weekend

Lets see. Where to start....

There's the fact that both C and I have colds and are uber snotty.

Then arriving home friday afternoon to NO EFFIN WATER. Only to find out it was cut off by accident and we cannot get it back until Monday. That's right. 4 days without water.

Then waking up Saturday morning to a phone call from my dad who informs me that my step-mother is dead. I don't get many details because he has other calls to make and has to go pick up the step-brother from the airport, so they can make funeral arrangements etc.

Now don't get me wrong here, but I'm still pondering how exactly to feel about her death.

Throw in the drama about my step-grandmother not attending my grandfather's sister's funeral last week and my mothers hatred over it.

And I've had one helluva Effin wonderful weekend.


Jennifer said...


And I'm available for ass-kicking.

RubyRed3 said...

YEAH what she said! ;)